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00081 Master’s Explanation on the Diamond Sutra
Introduction~ What is the Diamond Sutra mainly about? What is Six Perfections? What is "emptiness"? In this lecture, Supreme Master Ching Hai explains to the public the Diamond Sutra. ..(more)
00086 Master in the Himalayas
The Himalayas are well-known as an area for spiritual practice. The weather is very cold there. There are many Gurus in India, so you can see their footprints everywhere. But it's very difficult to find them. Some spiritual practitioners dig an ice cave and live inside ..(more)
00106 Deploying Both Compassion and Wisdom
We have the freewill to choose whatever we want to do. Heaven or Hell is our own making. No one can force us to do anything. No one. Understand? If we always ..(more)
00109-1 Invisibility
Would you like to know why invisibility exists? What kinds of invisibility are there? What is the high level invisibility? One can become invisible naturally after spiritual practice. What is the difference between this natural invisibility and the invisibility gained ..(more)
00109-2 Nothing Would Be Reaped by Sowing Sand
Do you know the true meaning of the Mantra, “Om Mani Padme Hum”? If someone receives the experience from reciting the Mantra, “Om Mani Padme Hum”, can he/she be liberated? Supreme Master Ching Hai earnestly pointed out that the deep and subtle Dharma is difficult to ..(more)
00120 Ego: A Source of Crisis for Spiritual Practitioners
What is ego? Why does too much ego create a crisis for spiritual practitioners? Supreme Master Ching Hai tells the story of the Race between the Tortoise and the Hare, reminding us to control our egos and not become arrogant. Any time we practice with others with an ..(more)
00191 Beings Delivered Not by Buddha, But Should Deliver Themselves
Do you know why Shakyamuni Buddha, after attaining the Buddhahood, wanted to enter Nirvana instead of delivering sentient beings? We have heard that we will act selflessly without ego once we attain Buddhahood or the highest spiritual level. What kind of state is that? ..(more)
00192 Purify Ourselves First to Recognize Saintly Beings
We’re all originally Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, but if the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were to come now, we could not recognize them, because we haven’t regained our worthiness of seeing them. It’s been a long time since we came down from Heaven and began to live on Earth, ..(more)
00196 What Is Maya?
If a person uses means such as wealth, beauty, wine, meat, or fame to bind us to this world and hinder us from practicing and gaining liberation, that person is the subordinate of maya, or is probably himself the king of maya. Don't think that maya is only in hell. ..(more)
00233 The Origin of Shurangama Sutra
Do you want to know the special reason why Shakyamuni Buddha gave the sermon of the Shurangama Sutra? Is the Surangama Sutra related to Ananda? To find out, listen to Supreme Master Ching Hai talking about the origin of Buddha’s preaching of the Surangama Sutra. The ..(more)
00233-2 Snake Worms
Supreme Master Ching Hai told us that once her great master and his disciples saw a living snake, from whose body many worms came out and ate the snake's meat and eyes. Her great master explained about the karmic relations between the snake and the worms. They used to ..(more)
00234 Surangama Sutra Volume 1– Buddha Told Ananda - All Stayed In Their Places and Listened Attentively With Closed Palms
Ananda was Buddha’s attendant and was pre-eminent in hearing Dharma, but why was he still lacking in wisdom and weak in will power and nearly got lured to break the precepts? What did he ask from Shakyamuni Buddha mercifully teach him? Buddha accepted his request and ..(more)
00235 Surangama Sutra Volume 9–Ten Kinds of Illusory Obstacles Created By Phenomena
In Surangama Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha mentioned to Ananda 10 kinds of illusory obstacles created by phenomena during the process of spiritual practice. Do you know what the 10 kinds of illusory obstacles created by phenomena are? Buddha told Ananda: many people would ..(more)
00236 Surangama Sutra Volume 9–Ten Kinds Of Illusory Obstacles 
Created By Feelings
There are many Maya traps on the path of spiritual practice. Supreme Master Ching Hai reminds us that when we practice to a certain degree, we will feel the mind is like a mirror that can reflect anything. We feel we seem to have got something, but cannot make use of it. ..(more)
00237 Surangama Sutra Volume 9–Ten Kinds Of Illusory Obstacles 
Created By Mind
Where do the ten kinds of illusory demons mentioned in Surangama Sutra come from? Shakyamuni Buddha said that all illusory demons are created by our illusions; therefore, he reminded his disciples to be careful in their spiritual practice and to clear all dark spots in their ..(more)