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Video-1162 Eating Fruit and Vegetables for Optimum Health
Hey,you guys should not eat too many sweets, OK? Eat fruit instead. Eat sometimes OK, but… a bite or two maybe OK, now and then. But it’s sweet, you know already that they destroy vitamins in your body, yeah? And also, no good for the brain. Not because it’s freely ..(more)
Video-1166 Eating Fresh Food During the Best Times Is Important for Spiritual Practitioners
If possible, you don't eat leftover food, OK? Because the demons, they favor leftover food, so they will, kind of, takeaway the purity of the food. So, if you eat it again, you are mixing with the demon's energy. Not too good. Try to cook just enough and then you just ..(more)
Video-1170 Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Newly Created Spiritual Land for the Worthy
I have created a special area, a special spiritual land for all of you and whoever, under the wings, under my wings. Which is better, beyond and better than the Fifth Level. And we could even save the worst. The ones who really have faith in the Master. And we will be ..(more)
Video-1171 The Surangama Sutra: The Four Clear and Unalterable Instructions on Purity - Refrain from Lust and Killing
If you are working very well, diligently at home, and taking care of yourself and your family well, I also am very, very, very grateful, because that means I don’t have to worry about you. That means society has better helpers, to make it more beautiful, livable, and ..(more)
Video-1172 The Surangama Sutra: The Four Clear and Unalterable Instructions on Purity - Refrain from Stealing and Lying
In the old times, they don’t have these kinds of industrialized animal farms. They don’t confine them into little cages until they could move no more and all that. And still the Buddha said, “No.” Not to talk about nowadays, they just abuse them and force them until ..(more)
Video-1173 The Surangama Sutra: The Four Clear and Unalterable Instructions on Purity (Conclusion) & Establishing a Place for Awakening
The precepts are very important, not only for nuns and monks, but for you as well, if you want to be liberated while you are taking care of your duties in the world according to your karma. Not everyone can be nuns and monks, of course. It's a very difficult ..(more)
Video-1174 The Surangama Sutra: The Origin of Demonic States
If we have some reverent beings, we have to treat them nicely. You must know. I always tell you, a long time already, so you do always the same. The monks and nuns sit somewhere separate, as separate as possible. We have to protect them, protect their purity, for you. ..(more)
Video-1175 A Joyous Christmas Celebration at the New Land
Thanks to Heaven’s grace and Supreme Master Ching Hai’s profound love, at the end of 2018, tens of thousands of our Association members had the opportunity to gather at the New Land in Taiwan (Formosa) for a meditation retreat and Christmas celebration. One of the ..(more)
Video-1176 The Surangama Sutra: The Demonic States of the Form and Feeling Skandhas
So, when you practice the Tao, or the Truth, or the Dharma, the Way, you will encounter ten kinds of samadhic experiences from inside. And then you may mistake these for some ultimate enlightenment. And thus, some of the demons who are correspondent to your state of ..(more)
Video-1177 Animals’ Miraculous Abilities and Intelligence
I know you love me, you say that all the time. But I don’t know when you’ll ever turn around and walk somewhere else. It’s OK, it doesn’t matter as long as you already have the basics: vegetarian, meditation, fearing the law of karma, and good moral standard, good ..(more)
Video-1178 The Surangama Sutra: The Influence of Demons on Spiritual Practitioners Greedy for Spiritual Powers or Profound Emptiness
So there were many kinds of ghosts that you have heard from the Buddha. They might appear to look holy and they may repeat some of the Buddha’s sutras. Especially in those times, it was not easy to get the real teaching from the Buddha. Then you just rely on whoever ..(more)
Video-1179 The Surangama Sutra: The Influence of Demons on Spiritual Practitioners Greedy for Immortality
This person would like to even live, maybe not in the physical form, but in a subtle form, maybe an astral form. And even then , it’s not just making mistakes by wanting to be immortal, but he could be deluded into believing in the demon’s promise, and then later could ..(more)
Video-1180 The Surangama Sutra: The Demonic States of the Feeling Skandhas (Continued)
But the person who reached this state of extreme self-satisfaction, he thinks he is above everything. But this is just one state, which is called “viewing oneself as supreme, but lacking wisdom to save oneself” even. You can’t even save yourself, not to talk about ..(more)
Video-1181 The Surangama Sutra: The Demonic States of the Thinking Skandhas
You can see many different religious orders, people copy the Masters and do all kinds of rituals and all kinds of ways, just to entrap people in there and make them busy with just rituals; useless, all kinds of useless things, wasting their time and obstructing them ..(more)
Video-1182 A Glimpse into Tim Qo Tu’s New Spiritual Domain
Master, about this place that You created, where is it, exactly? It is between the 11th Level and the Ihôs Kư, in that buffer zone. And because the created soul, even though my so-called disciples, cannot go and stay in the Original Universe, because they have nothing ..(more)